Raisa Petrovna je 82-ročná občianka obce Cirkuni, len pár kilometrov od Charkova. Obec bola pod ruskou okupáciou od začiatku vojny vo februári do septembra, kedy bola oslobodená vďaka ukrajinskej „bleskovej vojne“ v Charkovskej oblasti. Raisa trávila celý čas v pivnici, kde bežne skladovala konzervy a zemiaky. Jej syn u nej niekedy býval. Hovorí, že Rusi zaparkovali svoje húfnice pred jej domom a odtiaľ strieľali na Saltyvku a ďalšie časti Charkova. Ukrajinci paľbu opätovali, takže dom a les za domom boli pod neustálym ostreľovaním. Dom bol zasiahnutý, ale nedošlo k žiadnym väčším škodám. Les bol zničený výraznejšie. Kvôli chorým nohám spadla Raisa na schodoch a rany sa jej zle hojili. Ukázala nám jazvy, ktoré zostali po ranách. Spala v kresle, bolo to pre ňu pohodlnejšie kvôli boľavému chrbtu. V záhrade si túto sezónu nič nedopestovala, pretože sa bála vyjsť von.
Na snímkach sa rozpráva so zamestnankyňou našej charity, Katarínou Pajerskou, ktorá žije v Mukačeve (západná Ukrajina) a je vedúcou prevádzky Spišskej katolíckej charity na Ukrajine.
Na selfie snímke je autor týchto riadkov Anton Frič, ktorý je vedúcim odboru humanitárnej pomoci Spišskej katolíckej charity.
Posledným obrázkom je obrázok malého výtvoru, ktorý po sebe zanechal granát na ulici pred Raisiným domom.
Pre bližšie informácie kontaktujte koordinátora humanitárnej pomoci Spišskej katolíckej charity, Antona Friča, +421905451443, anton.fric@caritas.sk.
EN: Raisa Petrovna
Raisa Petrovna is a 82 year old citizen of the village of Cirkuni, only a few km away from Kharkiv. The village was under Russian occupation from the beginning of war in February till September when it was liberated thanks to Ukrainian “blitzkrieg” in the Kharkiv region. Raisa spent the whole time in a cellar where she was normally storing canned food and potatoes. Her son was staying with her sometimes. She says that Russians have parked their howitzertz in front of her house and fired at Saltyvka and other parts of Kharkiv from there. Ukrainians were returning the fire, so the house and the forest behind the house were under constant shelling. The house was hit, but there was no substantial damage. The forest was more heavily destroyed. Because of her bad legs she has fallen on the stairs and her wounds were healing badly. She has shown us the scars that remained after the wounds. she was sleeping in the armchair as it was convenient for her aching back. Sha wasn’t able to grow anything in the garden as she was afraid to go out.
In the pictures she’s talking to Caritas Spis employee Katarina Pajerska who is living in Mukacevo (western Ukraine) and is the head of Caritas Spis operations in Ukraine.
In the selfie picture is the author of these lines, Anton Fric, who is the head of the Humanitarian aid department in Caritas Spis.
The last picture is the picture of a small creator created by a grenade in the street in front of Raisa’s house.
For further info contact Coordinator of humanitarian aid of Caritas Spis, Anton Fric,+421905451443, anton.fric@caritas.sk